Want a New Perspective? Try the Powers of Ten Exercise

As discussed in the last post, for 2019 I have set myself a process goal of learning.  The first step is to learn how to learn and I am working through a great course on this subject from Coursera.  In the first week of the course I came across an interesting exercise called the ‘Powers of Ten’.  By the way the Learning how to Learn course is free and all you need is an internet connection to do it.  This goes to illustrate the learning opportunities out there for all of us if we choose to take them.

What is the Powers of Ten exercise?

The Powers of Ten exercise is an exercise to enhance creativity.  The video starts with a man and woman lying on a picnic blanket.  The picture zooms out by the power of ten each time until you see the earth, our galaxy and then the many galaxies.  This gives a totally different perspective to the scene.  Likewise zooming in to the cells on the mans hand down to the atomic and subatomic level also gives a totally different perspective.  Zooming out and zooming in helps us to be more creative by seeing the same scene from different perspectives.  What does a problem or issue look like when your step back from it?  Why am I doing this – what is the bigger picture?  It is a way to get perspective and new ideas.  Sometimes we are lost in the weeds and don’t see things as they really are.  Have a look at the Powers of Ten Video below and enjoy:

Think or a problem or issue you are dealing with right now and apply the Powers of Ten exercise to it.   Try and look at the problem or issue from different perspectives – zoom in and zoom out.  How has you perspective on the problem or issue changed?

Learning how to learn

Learning how to learn is a hugely important skill for the 21st century and will give you a competitive advantage.  I am determined to improve my learning ability.  Once I complete this course I will go on to learn other things.  I have a completely open mind on what I will learn.  This is an exciting goal for 2019!  Let’s see how much I can learn during the year.  Why not join me in setting a learning goal for the year ahead?

Best wishes,


PS Why not start your learning habit for 2019 by taking my online course: Reinvent yourself: 30 Experiments in personal change.  Get the course at the special price of $9.99 for readers of this blog (course also includes a free copy of my ebook).

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