Tag Archives: Covid-19

From Covid-19 Lockdown To Success With Our Goals

The Covid-19 pandemic has touched all our lives in different ways, no matter which country you are reading this from. Apart from the direct health impacts of the virus it has also hit the global economy and impacted negatively on livelihoods. In this article I want to give an update on the pandemic from an Irish perspective and share what I have been up to since January 2021. I am working to use this time in lockdown to create goal success and I want to share my key tips on making the most of this time in lockdown.

World’s highest infection rate

On 30th December 2020 Ireland, where I live, went into full lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. All non-essential shops closed. All pubs, restaurants, hair salons etc. closed. All sporting and music events stopped. People are required to work from home if possible, and exercise not more than 5km from their homes.

What happened was that we had a surge of Covid-19 infections over the Christmas period. At one point in January we had the world’s highest infection rate of Covid-19. Infection rates rose sharply from what was the lowest incident rate of Covid in the European Union in early December. As of Friday 5th March 2021 according to Irish government statistics there have now been 4,357 deaths of people with COVID-19 in Ireland. My thoughts go to the families of those who have passed away, to those who are still in hospital and to those who are still recovering from this terrible virus.

There are signs that things are starting to improve. Thankfully the lockdown has worked and infection rates and deaths are coming down now and restrictions will likely be eased in April. We also have our vaccination programme being rolled out to the most vulnerable. The weather is also getting better as we head into spring which is another reason for optimism!

My lockdown Project

My aim to use use this time in lockdown to create goal success. Since January I have been working on a new online course on beekeeping. This will be my 6th online course and I am really enjoying developing the course. When I made my first online course in 2017 it was a very steep learning curve to get the sound quality and video quality right. I hadn’t a clue how to edit videos. By now I am getting into the swing of things and I find it is much easier to develop a video lecture. However, there is still a huge amount of work to be done in developing a course. The course structure and content has to be right to start with. My object is to make this course a top quality course which will help people start their first hive of bees. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to teach people using an online learning platform.

No permission needed

I taught beekeeping at Baraka Agricultural College in Kenya for over 10 years. Having attained my PhD in beekeeping in 2012, I always wanted to teach beekeeping to students at a university. However there are not many opportunities to do so. Particularly in a country like Ireland where the weather is not very conducive to commercial beekeeping (it rains a lot here!). Now, using the world wide web I can teach beekeeping to the world! For example my current course ‘Background to Beekeeping’ has 840 students from 81 countries. I enjoy interacting with beekeeping students from all over the world. One really important point to remember when we want to do something is that we don’t need anyone’s permission to do it. I just made and launched the course. I did not wait for anyone to tell me that I had their permission or that I was good enough.

After Action Review

In my new course I have 22 lectures completed out of 79 so far (nearly 30% of the course done). I still have a long way to go but I am making steady progress with my lockdown goal. I do love when I have a clear focus on a key goal. Right now I am writing this article on Saturday and on Saturdays I usually complete an After Action Review (AAR). I review the past week and plan the week ahead. As part of my AAR I also take time to review my goals. Today I am going to set a realistic target launch date for the new course. Ideally I want to launch the new course by the end of April. So loads of work to do over the coming weeks!

What about you?

How about you – do you have an all consuming engaging goal that you are working on? Especially if you are in lockdown like me you can use the lockdown to create goal success. Do you have a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning? Do you have something that you have a burning desire to do or achieve? Perhaps you have been waiting for someone’s approval or permission to do something?

My first piece of advice is to choose yourself. Give yourself permission to do whatever you feel drawn to do. My second piece of advice is don’t wait. We are already in March and the first quarter of 2021 is nearly over. Make a start right now. If you are not sure what you want to focus on then please check out my course: Goal Setting 2021: Set & Achieve Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals. Do the course, get clear on your key goals and then go for it! Life is fun when we have a clear goal that we are working towards. Time in lockdown can certainly be put to good use to create goal success.

Best wishes,


Future Jobs Post Covid-19

For the past number of weeks I have been updating my online course Future Skills 2030-Prepare for the 4th Industrial Revolution. As a part of this updating process I have been thinking and reading a lot about the future of jobs post the Covid-19 pandemic. In this article I want to share with you the key things that I have learned.

Covid-19 and the future of work

The first thing that I want to say is that technological change is relentless with or without the pandemic. In the online course I cover the major areas of technological change occurring in the world. I discuss technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing, nanotechnology and biotechnology. In fact I cover 17 key areas of technological change. I also look at how technological change combines with other major changes such as climate change, globalisation and population growth. In 2020 we have an additional unprecedented driver of global change – the corona virus pandemic.


Before the pandemic came along change was happening anyway in the world and at a rapid pace. A future of work largely defined by an increased prevalence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation and digital adoption was always anticipated. In March 2020, more than a third of humanity was in lock-down to prevent the spread of the virus. According to the United Nations the COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 190 countries and all continents. From the start of the pandemic, it was clear that digital businesses and organisations would be among the few winners. And so it has proved. Lockdowns have encouraged a remarkable acceleration in digitalisation across many sectors. These include online retail and digital finance, online entertainment, telehealth, remote working and distance learning.

Lifelong learning

Skills and lifelong learning are crucial for long-term and sustainable growth, productivity and innovation and therefore a key factor for the competitiveness of individuals and businesses of all sizes. In particular the twin green and  digital transitions are reshaping the way we live, work and interact. Covid-19 is an accelerator of change. We live in a time of transitions. The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Survey data 2020* shows that nearly half of all workers will need reskilling by 2025. Therefore we all need to reskill and upskill on an ongoing basis to remain relevant.

Taking action

We cannot reply on our employers to provide the reskilling and upkilling that we need. This may or may not happen, therefore we need to take charge of our own learning. Right now I am working to upgrade my own skills for the future. I am undertaking the Cyber Security Specialisation on Coursera which is taught by the New York University. One thing that I have learned is that cyber security is a key cross-cutting issue in our digital world. In the coming years more and more people and things will be connected to the internet of everything. As this happens cyber security will become ever more important and this is an area I am interested in. How about you? How will you re-skill and upskill to prepare for the future of jobs post-covid? A future of work that is now accelerating faster towards us due to the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.

Best wishes,


PS. If you would like to learn more about the future of work , the technologies and forces driving change in our world and how to reskill and upskill, please check out my online course for the sale price of only $13.99 (90% off): Future Skills 2030-Prepare for the 4th Industrial Revolution. The course has been updated for 2021. The course is also curated as part of the Udemy for Business programme which includes top business courses selected from Udemy.com

As you prepare for 2021 you might be interested in my Goal Setting course for only $12.99 (82% off) : Goal Setting 101: How to Set and Achieve Goals 2021. Make sure and set yourself a learning goal for 2021.

Please note that the above course offers expire on 15/1/2021.

*World Economic Forum – The Future of Jobs Report 2020