Mind Mapping

At the moment I am Mind Mapping my e-book.  I find the process very useful.  For the first time I am starting to have clarity about the structure of my e-book.  Mind mapping is an excellent way of structuring your thoughts.  A really useful software programme which I recommend you use is XMind.  You can download and start using the free version of XMind straight away and upgrade to the paid version later if you want.  The paid version has extra functionality however I am happily using the free version.  Please click on the following link to take you to the XMind site:  http://www.xmind.net/

Blogging by Kaizen

One of the principles I intend to use in developing this blog is the Japanese principle of Kaizen.  Kaizen means small daily improvements.  I intend to add small daily improvements to this blog which over time will hopefully amount to substantial improvements/progress.  I intend to invest about 20-30 minutes of my time on a daily basis on the blog and see where this leads to.  A good time to review progress will be at the end of 2013.  I have read a number of good books on Kaizen and I will review them here soon.  In my experience the principle of Kaizen is very useful and also very powerful.  One very good book on the principle of Kaizen that I can recommend to get you started is called “The Slight Edge (Revised Edition): Turning Simple Disciplines Into Massive Success” by Jeff Olson.  When you click on the above link it will take you to the book on Amazon and you will see the book has received very positive feedback.