Disconnect and Focus!


A man who chases two rabbits catches none.
~ Roman Proverb

Simplify and Focus

If you read my last post about what I learned from the 100 day challenge I realised that I had tried to do too many difficult things at the same time.  I had chased 5 rabbits and caught none!  I am thinking a lot lately about simplicity and focus.  I now have three goals for Quarter 3 2015.   Perhaps even three goals are too many – it remains to be seen.

I came across a very useful free book online by Leo Babauta called “A simplicity manifesto in the Age of Distraction”.  You can download the free book at: http://focusmanifesto.com/

The book deals with focus in an age of constant distraction.  We need to simplify our lives and focus in order to be at our creative best.  There are so many distractions – phones, instant messaging, emails, text messaging alerts, internet surfing etc etc.  We need to be able to create distraction free periods during our day where we can be creative.  We need to be able to block time throughout the day where we switch off all gadgets and focus.  We also can have blocks of time where we communicate – handle emails, make calls etc.  We can limit email to pre-appointed times only.

Leo advocates to plan three key tasks to be achieved for the day (preferably planned the night before).  A good idea is to start with the most important task first.  I already do this, it is simple and it works.  A great idea I learned from Leo’s book is to create a refocus ritual. Every hour or two have a quick walk for a few minutes to clear your head and then check back to your list of most important tasks for the day.  It is so easy to have a list and not look at it and get distracted with other less important things.  Making a habit of refocusing is an excellent idea.

There is much more to this free book and I will be returning to it for further gems of wisdom – I highly recommend you read it.


focus A simplicity manifesto in the Age of Distraction – Leo Babauta – http://focusmanifesto.com/

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