New Year, New You – Goal Setting Tips and Resources for 2016

New Year 2016
Planning tips for the New Year

When you have a “why” you can then develop a “how”.  In other words when you know what you want to achieve the means of achieving your goals will become clear and you will be motivated to work towards you goals.  If you are unclear about what you want from life then you will be unmotivated to act and life will toss you around like a rudderless boat on a rough sea.

At the end of the day action in the direction of your goals is key.  Clarity on what you want is the important first step.  The end of the year is a wonderful time to stop and take stock of where we are and what we have achieved to date.  It is a great time to reflect on the past year.  What goals did you have at the beginning of the year?  Did you achieve them?  If not then why not?  What are you going to do differently to make sure you achieve your goals in 2016?

In preparation for the New Year 2016 I have reviewed my 5 year strategic plan which covers personal and family goals.  I have also reviewed my 3 year plan and my annual plan for 2016.  We may all know the importance of planning and agree it’s a good idea.  However do you have a written plan for the next 5 years, 3 years and 1 year?  If you don’t then I recommend you sit down and write one!  It is probably true that most people spend more time planning their holidays than their lives!  I knew about the value of planning myself but had not actually written down clear strategic goals until I was prompted to do so by my life coach.  That gives you an idea of the value of hiring a coach!  There is a world of a difference between knowing something and doing something.  Knowing is not enough.

Below are the headings I used when planning.  I have developed goals in each of these areas of my life.

  1.  Friends & Family
  2.  Career / Skills
  3.  Finances
  4.  Health & Well Being
  5.  Significant Other/ Romance
  6.  Personal Development
  7.  Fun and Recreation
  8. Physical Environment

From my annual goals (2016) I have set quarterly goals from January 1st to March 31st.  I am now very clear about what I need to do in the first three months of the New Year. I am also clear that my quarterly goals will help me achieve my annual goals which contribute to my 3 and 5 year goals.  To make sure you stay on track with your goals throughout the year you need to review your quarterly goals each week and incorporate actions into your weekly plan.   Get yourself a good paper diary for 2016.  Write down 3 key tasks that you will do each day (plan each day the night before).  I mostly use an electronic diary which I sync with my smartphone.  However it is still important to write  your key tasks in your paper diary as this engages the sub-conscious mind as well.  It is also a good idea is to get yourself a wall planner and mark in key dates for the forthcoming year.  It is so much easier to see everything at a glance on a wall planner.


1. FREE E-Book on Goal Setting



When you subscribe to Life is a Laboratory you receive a FREE E-Book on Goal Setting which is an invaluable resource to use when you plan your New Year goals.  The book covers key aspects of effective goal setting.



2. Experiments in Personal Change

I recommend a book that I published in October 2015.  The book covers goal setting, planning, visualisation etc in detail and this is the ideal time of the year to refresh these topics as you think about the year ahead.

3.  The 100 Day Challenge

I recommend you join a programme called the 100 day challenge to get your New Year off to a flying start.  The cost of joining will handsomely repay itself due to the increased clarity and motivation you will receive from the challenge (it is amazing how we can be so petty and mean when it comes to spending money on ourselves).  Thousands of people take the challenge together and its a great way to take massive action towards your goals and dreams for 2016.  The first 100 days of the year will set the tone for the whole year and could, if you take action, make 2016 your best year yet.  If you use the link on this page to join the 100 Day Challenge please email me and I will send you a free digital copy of my book ‘Experiments in Personal Change’.

4.  GoalEnforcer

GoalEnforcer is the most user-friendly, purely visual software available  today for goal setting, goal planning and goal management.  I use it all the time and love it!

GoalEnforcer Visual Goal Setting Software

5.  Goals on Track

Goalsontrack Is a web-based system that allows you to set and track goals and sub goals, manage tasks, build habits, keep a goal journal, visualize your goals with a vision board, Etc. The software supports I-phone, I-pad and android devices. Click Here!

6. Coaching

Lastly, I am available to coach you.  If you are interested in hiring me as your personal coach (via Skype) please find out more and book an initial free consultation on this page.

Have a wonderful, enjoyably, happy and most productive 2016!


Experiments in Personal Change – Transform Your Life!

Make 2016 Your Best Year Yet!

Experiments in Personal Change: Transform Your Life

How has 2015 been for you?  If you want 2016 to be different then you have to do things differently.  Now is the time to take action before things get crazy as the New Year gets underway and you get overwhelmed.   This is your life; make the most of it. This book will show you what to do to take control of your mind and your life.

“Failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.” – Jim Rohn

It’s the small things that you do that create habits which can change the course of your life. Ideas in personal development are of limited value unless you act on them. This book is about taking six key personal growth areas and experimenting with them in your life. The experiments are written in such a way to make them actionable so that you can put them to the test and observe the results yourself. The information contained in the book is designed to be short and easily digestible. If you read this book and take action by trying out the experiments in your own life and reflect on the results, then you will gain knowledge that can change your life for the better.

The book presents a practical approach to changing your life.  If you buy this book and implement the simple experiments in your life you will benefit from the positive changes brought about in your life in the New Year.

Experiments in Personal Change: Transform Your Life

Wishing you a happy and fulfilling 2016!

Thomas Carroll, PhD

December 30th 2015