Difference Between an Overweight & Thin Person?

Answer:  The Mind and Time!

FREE Report and Audio – See Below

exerciseIt’s interesting when we look at the difference between a slim person who loves exercise and eats well and a person who is very overweight and hates exercise.  The difference is their minds and time!  Imagine if the overweight person had their thoughts changed so that they ate well and loved to exercise.  In a years’ time they would have lost all that weight.

BurgersAnd imagine if a slim person had their thoughts changed so that they ate too much, ate the wrong types of food and stopped exercising.  In one year that person would be very overweight.  The difference between someone who is overweight and the correct weight is simply their mind and time.


Overweight and Obesity are Huge Problems

Overweight and obesity
Overweight and obesity

The statistics are staggering.  A European health interview survey showed that for the 19 EU Member States for which data are available, the proportion of adults (aged 18 years and over) who were considered to be overweight or obese varied in 2008 between 37.0 % and 56.7 % for women and between 51.0 % and 69.3 % for men.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA the percent of adults aged 20 years and over who are overweight, including obesity is 69.0% (2011-2012).

These are truly shocking statistics.

Link between Overweight and Cancer

I was listening to the radio news this morning, here in Ireland and an oncologist was talking about cancer and the links between cancer and overweight and obesity.  This just goes to show how important having the right mindset is.  People who are overweight or obese also have a higher risk of many other serious health conditions, including type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

obesity related

FREE report and self-hypnosis audio download!

FreeTake action if you are overweight!  If you have dieted and failed to lose weight before, you can break that cycle.  You can lose weight! Remember your mind and time is the difference between being overweight and being a healthy weight.  You are invited to download and read a FREE Report on Tips to Permanent Weight Loss and also try out a free self – hypnosis audio to programme your mind for weight loss success. Please click here.

Experiment: Enthusiasm

Experiment:  Act Enthusiastic for One Month

Experiment for February 2016


“You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars. With it, there is accomplishment. Without it there are only alibis.”

Henry Ford


“If you want to be enthusiastic,
act enthusiastic.”

Dale Carnegie



An American man named Frank Bettger wrote the book ‘How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling’ in 1947.  See a review of the book here.

Bettger had been a major league baseball player but an arm injury forced him to look elsewhere for employment. Though he was initially a failure in the profession of insurance sales, he gave himself a major boost in the field by drastically increasing his enthusiasm. He had learned the importance of enthusiasm from his previous sports career.

When Bettger was a baseball player, he was fired from a team for being too laid-back. On his way out the door, his manager told Bettger to put some life and enthusiasm into his work.  Unhappy about his demotion and a drastic drop in pay, Bettger decided to take the manager’s advice to heart and inject some enthusiasm into his game.

To prove a point to his former coach, he decided he would double his enthusiasm for his new team. This tiny trick worked so well, that he became the top player on the team and eventually received a raise of 700 percent!

He applied the same level of enthusiasm to his insurance sales later in life and again saw a major difference in terms of results. “Force yourself to act enthusiastic, and you’ll become more enthusiastic” was his number one rule.

He challenged people to try this for just 30 days, because this one change could easily revolutionise your life.

“If you don’t FEEL enthusiastic, ACT enthusiastic. Soon, you’ll BE enthusiastic. Double your enthusiasm and you’ll probably double your income.”

Frank Bettger

This experiment therefore is to put Frank Bettger’s advice to the test and act enthusiastic about whatever I (and you) are working on for the next one month.  Each morning I intend to spend a few minutes reflecting on enthusiasm and visualise myself acting more enthusiastically in everything I have planned to do that day.  I will make a note in my diary of what happens each day and see what difference forcing myself to be enthusiastic makes.  I will share the results in a follow-on article in March 2016.  Make sure to sign up to the Life is a Laboratory newsletter to keep informed of future articles.

Hypnosis Downloads also have a self hypnosis audio on enthusiasm which will no doubt supercharge my focus on being more enthusiastic and I aim to use this as well.

Good Luck with this experiment!

You should also aim to spend time with enthusiastic people as enthusiasm is contagious. Since your time and energy is limited, pay attention to how you feel after spending time with people in your life, and seek out those who fill you up, energise and inspire you.

“If you give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be – enthusiasm.”

Bruce Barton (1896-1967)