New Year’s Resolutions 2018 & Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap

My New Year’s resolution is to bridge the knowing doing gap in my life. For example I know all about hypnotherapy and I know all about hypnosis and self-hypnosis but I’m not consistently using these powerful tools in my own life. That means that I’m not taking advantage of these brilliant tools and that is a problem because I’m recommending the same powerful tools to everybody but I’m not gaining the benefits myself. I know what needs to be done but am not implementing it!  Another example that struck me recently was that I was advising someone to invest in cryptocurrencies and when that person didn’t respond positively and did not take me seriously. I was a little bit annoyed and in particular because the value of cryptocurrencies went way up and I was thinking that if that person had listened to me he could have made about $14,000! However, did I take my own brilliant advice? No I didn’t invest money that I had sitting in my savings account in cryptocurrencies and I didn’t benefit either.  Sounds stupid – yes it is! The knowing – doing gap strikes again.

Back in 2013 I actually opened an account to buy Bitcoin and had the account verified. However did I actually buy Bitcoin? No! If I had I would be a wealth man today. In 2013 Bitcoin was trading at $100 /Bitcoin. In the past few weeks they hit $20,000 per Bitcoin. An investment of $500 in 2013 would have been worth $100,000 recently. Again the gap between knowing and doing!

So the big question I would like to ask you today is what do you know that you should do in your life? Maybe your New Year’s resolution could be to actually do it and bridge the knowing doing gap.

Best wishes for 2018!



If you would like some brilliant ideas to make 2018 a fantastic year then please check out my book Experiments in Personal Change. It is packed full of useful actionable ideas on personal development. Also keep in touch with Life is a Laboratory for further updates on the Experiments in Personal Change course (I will give a special deal on the course to newsletter subscribers so please subscribe now to keep informed of the launch date).

Create a Beautiful Vision Board to Inspire You in 2018

Making a Vision Board

Have you ever considered creating and professionally printing a Vision Board to inspire you in 2018 and beyond? Remember today’s actions are tomorrows results! What better way to begin the New Year than to have your own beautifully printed vision board adorn your wall in January 2018.

The thing is that we can all change and turn over a new leaf. What you do today will shape your future. The future in not fixed! The power to choose is the secret power that we all have. Making a Vision Board is something that you can do today/over the next number of days/weeks that will inspire you to remain true to your goals for the year to come. I am writing this before Christmas 2017 and starting to think ahead to the New Year. I need something to inspire me for the year ahead. It’s the perfect time to make a vision board!

Why Make a Vision Board?

A vision board keeps you focused on your biggest goals.  It also makes your goals visual and inspiring and keeps them in front of you.  You must have goals that excite you and inspire you. Goals that are going to pull you towards them. That is where your motivation to achieve your goals will come from. You have to have a clear vision of what you want, something that excites you and so it pulls you towards the end result.

If you have your goals in visual format (in a vision board) on the wall in front of you then you will look at them constantly….you will be re-enforcing your goals with each glance. Your subconscious mind continues to work out a way to achieve your vision, even while you are sleeping or doing other things, regardless of the other steps you may take.  There is enormous power in getting your subconcious mind to work on making your vision a reality!

How to make a vision board

In the past I have cut images from magazines or newspapers and stuck them to a sheet of cardboard (which is fine if that is what you wish to do).  However in this increasingly digital world we live in I don’t buy many newspapers and magazines any more which has resulted in a distinct lack of pictures for me to use.  This year I am going all out for a beautifully crafted and professionally printed digitally created vision board which I can pin to my wall as a beautiful high quality poster.

Steps to making a digital vision board:

  1. Get your creative self going!
  2. Open Microsoft Powerpoint or similar software (I used WPS Presentation which is free (
  3. Insert a collection of images into a slide – you can use your own images or look for images online that inspire you and represent what you want in your life.
  4. Insert text/inspiring quotes and ideas or reminders of what you want to focus on.
  5. Save presentation and then save slide as a JPEG image file.
  6. You can use this image file to print a poster of your vision board.

Please have a look at my own Vision Board below as an example.

My own Vision Board

In the video below I explain my own Vision Board which will inspire me throughout 2018.  I hope you will also develop your own vision board for 2018!  It’s a lot of fun and if you enjoy creating things you will love this.  I sent the image below to an online printer ( and am awaiting the resulting 20×30″ photo poster.  The poster cost me €24 including delivery.   Well worth the price when you consider how important your vision board is and how powerful it will be in helping you achieve your goals.

Join me now by making your own vision board to inspire you in 2018.  To assist you further with your vision board please download the resource file below on creating a vision board.

Assignment 3 Make a Vision Board_LifeLab

You are welcome to share your vision at the end of this post below to help and encourage others.  Please let me know if this post has been helpful – I would love to receive your feedback/comments!

Experiments Course Update

In my last post I enthusiastically announced that I would be launching the ‘Experiments in Personal Change’ course by the end of the year.  Unfortunately I think I fell foul of the planning fallacy!  There is just so much material to work on to develop the course to its full potential and I have decided to focus on completing the course and making it the best it can be rather than just rushing to complete it by a certain date.  The course is based on my book – ‘Experiments in Personal Change’ and you can still buy a copy of the book to help you plan practical actionable changes in your life for 2018.  You will not be disappointed – there are many excellent experiments in the book to try out in your own life.  This experiment on making a Vision Board is just one of them (there are 28 experiments in total).

Lastly I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very happy and productive 2018!  May all your intentions for your life captured on your vision board be realised!

Very best wishes,

Tom Carroll, PhD

Life is a Laboratory,

December 27th 2017.