Goal Setting 2020

I am writing this blog post at the end of June 2020. Wow! We are already half-way through the year. Time flies! This is an opportune time to reflect on goal setting 2020. Especially since this is no ordinary year and everything has changed drastically in the last 6 months. If you think back to January 2020 and your new year’s resolutions and plans. That seems like a decade ago by now! No matter where you are reading this in the world our lives have all been affected by Covid 19. The effects of the pandemic really took off in March when much of the world went into lock-down including in Ireland, where I live. Schools, colleges, businesses etc. shut and we were told to stay at home. We all learned new skills such as how to use Zoom!

Goal setting 2020 and Covid 19

Nature is in control

By the end of June the lock-down has eased considerably here and businesses are starting to reopen. Our infection rates are now low and the virus has been largely suppressed for the moment. However as we are seeing now in other parts of the world there is an ever present danger of a resurgence of the virus. We have all learned that the futures is uncertain. The best made plans from the new year and goal setting 2020 in January went out the window. Nature is really in control after-all. Therefore we have no option but to re-plan and go with the flow. Nobody knows what the next 6 months will bring. Will schools and colleges reopen in the autumn? How many businesses will never re-open? How many people will have no jobs to go back to? So many questions and so much uncertainty.

Impacts in poorer countries

In poorer countries I am especially conscious of the impact of the pandemic where there are little in the way of government supports. Livelihoods have been badly impacted. People are suffering. To take one specific example the Malala Fund estimates that 10 million girls might never go back to school after the crisis. Out of school they are vulnerable to teenage pregnancy, child marriage, abuse, child labour etc. The Malala fund made this calculation based on what happened in countries like Sierra Leone when schools closed due to Ebola. Ten million girls losing an education and all the negative consequences of that into the future. The sad part will be that the resultant poverty will be passed on to a new generation – their children. These are some of the real long-lasting and very negative consequences of this crisis.

The second half of 2020?

This is a good time to start thinking of goal setting 2020 and the remaining 6 months. What do you want to have achieved by the end of the year? Six months is a long time (especially the last 6 months!) and you can transform your life is so many ways by December 2020. However its hard to know what the world will look like by December. We are in uncertain times. However you can decide how each of your days will look like. You can set input goals. For example you can set an input goal to learn the guitar or learn Spanish (two of mine :-)). At this uncertain time we don’t have to focus so much on results (Output and Outcome goals). I cover all these types of goals in my new goal setting course.

Mind Movie

One of the things I am working on right now is to transform my own life’s purpose, vision and key goals into a mind movie which I watch at least once per day. A mind movie is a fun way to keep your goals front and centre in both your concious and sub-concious minds. I have included the current version of my own mind movie below. Perhaps it will inspire you to make your own! In the next two weeks I am actually working through my own Goal Setting 101 course as a student to plan the next 6 months of the year. The course contains some wonderful exercises to help me get clear on what I am about and what I want to achieve. I am proud of my own course when I take it from the student perspective! Goal setting and planning are topics we must constantly come back to throughout our lives. As we have seen the world will change around us whether we want change or not. It’s better to be in the driving seat of your own change rather than have change just happen to/be forced on you.

Best wishes, Tom

PS Check out my Goal Setting 101 Course for more ideas. You can watch the free preview video and there is a 30 day money back guarantee so you cannot lose!

Tom’s Mind Movie – Enroll Here – Goal setting 101 – How to set and achieve goals

Covid-19 Ireland Update & Goal Setting Course.

I hope you are keeping well wherever you are in the world. I am going to get to the goal setting course later in this blog post but first I want to give you my Covid-19 update.

As I write this I am under lock-down in Ireland due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. We are now heading into our 11th week since the schools and colleges closed on Thursday March 12th. Our national holiday celebrations on St. Patrick’s Day, 17th March were cancelled. On March 27th, Ireland was placed on full lock-down with all non-essential journeys banned for two weeks. Of course the lock-down was extended and as I write this (May 24th 2020) we are still under lock-down. Easter celebrations were cancelled. We stayed at home for two bank holiday weekends in May and June. Bars, restaurants, hotels, churches, sporting clubs and activities etc were closed/cancelled. The Irish government required us not to leave our homes except for essential journeys such as to buy food or medicine. We were allowed only exercise within 2kms of our homes.

Is this really happening?

When I reflect back on what I have outlined above it all seems surreal and like something from a novel or a film script. Restrictions are starting to be eased gradually. For example we can now travel up to 5km from our homes to exercise. More shops have been allowed to re-open such as hardware stores. We are currently on a pathway to a phased re-opening of the country over the next few months provided the virus does not re-surge.

Those less fortunate

On a personal level I have been fortunate to date in that I still have work and my children can still continue their education using digital platforms while the schools and colleges are closed. I am also very conscious that we are far more fortunate in Ireland than in many other less well off parts of the world because we have government supports such as income support, if needed, to help us as we are confined to our homes. In less developed parts of the world people have been under lock-down without even food/income (parts of India for example). In other countries the lock-down has been brutal with people being beaten and shot dead in some African countries (e.g. Kenya and Nigeria). For millions of people around the world the pandemic has so far brought death, sickness, hunger, poverty and lost earnings, business failure and stress. My sympathy goes to all those affected by the pandemic so far.

None of us know what is around the corner but I think it is important that we all do our best now to set goals around self-education, building new skills for the future and preparing for a world changed by this pandemic.

My Goal Setting Course Update

I just want to you give an update on my new goal setting course which I have now completed (finally!) and which is live on the Udemy platform. The lock-down is a great time for you to get crystal clear your own life’s purpose, the direction you want to take into the future and the skills your need to acquire. This is a great time to build new skills but you must be clear on what you want first and who you want to become. You then need to know how to set great goals to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

Free goal setting course

Course description

Many people set goals and perhaps you also set goals for yourself. The question is how effective are those goals? How compelling and inspiring are your goals? What is your success rate on goal achievement? According to U.S. News & World Report, the failure rate for New Year’s resolutions is said to be about 80 percent, and most give up on their new year goals by mid-February. The good news is that effective goal setting is a learned skill that we can all acquire and improve upon. None of us can afford to take goal setting for granted. This course will show you how to set compelling and life transforming goals that will bring out the very best in you and take you life in a new and exciting direction of your own choosing. You have the power to make your life whatever you want it to be through effective goal setting. This course is action orientated and by the end of the course you will have set up to three key long term goals to propel your own life forward in new and exciting directions. Don’t wait until new year to set effective goals. You can set goals any time of year. Also don’t assume that you know everything about goal setting already. Even experienced goal setters can benefit by renewing and constantly refining their goal setting skills.

Enroll Now

You are welcome now to enroll on my Goal Setting course . I would appreciate if you leave a review of the course and and if possible you could send me some feedback on what you liked and what could be improved etc.

As for myself I have already started work on my next course. A change of tack this time as I return to another favourite topic of mine: beekeeping. In fact it’s a wonderful time of year to be making that course because it gets me out into nature and I am enjoying every minute. That is as might be expected because course creation is aligned with my own personal hedgehog concept or ikigai. If you want to find out what I mean by that please enroll for the course!

Stay safe and well.


PS Please also check out my other course which is very relevant to this blog post – Future Skills 2030 – Prepare for the 4th Industrial Revolution. Start planning today for the skills you need to stay relevant in this fast changing world. Special offer $13.00 – Offer Expires 06/24/2020 04:06 AM PDT (GMT -7)

“The future depends on what you do today. “

Mahatma Ghandi