Category Archives: Experiments

Experiments conducted

Feeling stuck, bored or frustrated in your life?

You may be feeling confused about your life’s purpose, feel frustrated by lack of progress towards your goals, perhaps fear change and are tired of feeling stuck, bored and wanting more from your life. Check out the Experiments in Personal Change audio book which will teach you the pathway to feeling fulfilled, energised, satisfied with your life and feel certain that your life is now on the correct path to building the life of your dreams.

Please click on the book image below to take you to Audible where you can listen to a free sample of the book. The audio book is currently on sale.  Experiments in Personal Change is also available in paperback and e-book formats from


Planning to the end of the year

Time to think

This is a good time to reflect on the first 6 months of the 2017 if you have not already done so.   Yes, just over half the year is already over. How did it go for you? How about those new year’s resolutions? Have you progressed your 2017 goals?  At this stage there can be no illusions about progress towards your goals or lack of it. Either you have made progress or perhaps you cannot even remember what your new year’s resolutions were?  January seems such a long time ago now.

The message I want to get across in this article is So What if you did not make the progress you expected!  The past is over so don’t beat yourself up about it.  Guilt over wasted opportunities and time is futile and will not change anything.  Let go of that guilt now.  Even if the first six months of the year went completely off-track you can make the next six months great and finish 2017 strong.  There is still plenty of time to make 2017 a year of goal achievement, steady progress towards your big goals and personal growth.

Now to action!  I want you to think of one thing that you can change in your daily routine which will positively impact your life in the next 6 months?  For example could you get up an hour earlier in the morning and use that time for personal reflection, goal setting, learning or planning your day ahead?  Could you spend some time each evening reviewing your day and planning tomorrow?  Can you build exercise into your daily routine if you have not already done so?  If you need more ideas to transform your life over the next six months then check out my book ‘Experiments in Personal Change‘. Commit right now to making at least one change in your life.  Change now, change today!  Its only through doing things differently that we can make the second half of 2017 much better than the first.  Action from today onward is key.