Category Archives: Experiments

Experiments conducted

Have you set your rejection goal for 2018?

Here is a great idea that I want to suggest you experiment with in 2018.  I want you to collect 100 rejections!  It’s counter-intuitive but brilliant!  The thing is that if you work that hard to get so many rejections, you’re sure to get a few acceptances, too!  It’s almost that aiming for rejection is a far more attainable goal.  You are essentially re-framing rejection as an achievement for putting yourself out there, rather than a penalty and therefore you may have an easier time mustering the courage to aim for highly competitive targets. You may even find a weird sense of satisfaction in adding another rejection to your tally for the year!  Successful people put themselves out there a lot (outside their comfort zone) which generally means their ideas also get shot down constantly.

My own job hunting experience tallies with this.  I remember having a list of Xs on a chart for each job rejection and strangely felt proud of my rejections!  To me it was evidence that I was working hard.  The rejections eventually led to a yes and a new direction in my life.

This year I will be seeking 100 rejections and will be applying and asking for support and funding etc.  Things I would never have had the courage to ask for without this challenge of seeking out rejection.  How about you – are you going to join me and take up the 100 rejection challenge for 2018?


“If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate”.

Thomas J. Watson

Activation Energy & How to Overcome Barriers to Starting Something New in 2018

In chemistry, activation energy is the energy which must be available to a chemical system with potential reactants to result in a chemical reaction. Activation energy may also be defined as the minimum energy required to start a chemical reaction.

The term has also been used by psychologists to describe the motivation required to begin a task.   It could also be the energy needed to move from doing something on auto pilot to doing something new.

I know in my own life activation energy is an issue I grapple with.  Where do I get the energy to write a new post on this website?  I certainly didn’t feel like it today!  It’s much easier to surf the internet and waste time doing pleasurable mindless tasks.  Where or how do we get the energy to do something we don’t want to do/something we have been procrastinating on?

Experiments to try out

Below are three things to experiments with in your life to overcome the activation energy needed to start tasks.

1. The 10 minute rule:

The 10 minute rule is one of the 28 actionable experiments in my book ‘Experiments in Personal Change’ and I love it.  Simply tell yourself, “I’m going to do this for 10 minutes. Once I get to the 10-minute mark, I’ll decide whether to keep going.”  More than likely once you have done something for 10 minutes you will decide to keep going.  There is a saying in Irish ‘Tús maith, leath na hoibre’ which means A good start is half the work.  All you need to do is get started and already you are half way there!

2.  Count from  5 down to 1 (5 second rule)

Count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then move!  It’s that simple.  You don’t feel like getting off the couch? Right, do the countdown and then move your arm, your leg or any part of your body.  Once you move it’s easier to keep going.  If I don’t feel like getting out of bed I do the countdown and move – any movement at all makes me get out of bed…’s almost like the movement breaks a trance and you just continue.  Mel Robbins explains the 5 second rule in talk below.

3.  Make yourself accountable to someone else

Finally, make a date with someone else. It’s easy to back out of something, be it a walk or a run, a trip to the gym, or anything else, if you have no accountability.

Activation energy is really important to our success in 2018 so make sure you are ready to overcome obstacles when  you don’t feel like doing something (which will be most of the time!).  Remember ‘Tús maith, leath na hoibre’

Best Wishes,


PS. You also might have other ideas on overcoming activation energy needed to start tasks/start new things that have worked for you.  You are  invited to share your ideas below so that others can benefit from your experiences (thanks in advance).