Category Archives: Experiments

Experiments conducted

Starting 2025 with a Curious Mind: Experimenting with Creativity and Possibilities

Welcome to 2025! The dawn of a new year always brings with it a sense of hope, possibility, and the drive to make meaningful changes. At Life is a Laboratory, we view each year—and indeed each day—as a fresh experiment. What if we used this year as an opportunity to cultivate curiosity and unlock our creative potential? This post is all about making curiosity and creativity central to our lives in 2025.

Curiosity: The Catalyst for Transformation

Curiosity isn’t just a fleeting feeling; it’s a mindset, a tool that can transform how we navigate the world. From the great scientific breakthroughs of the past to the personal “aha” moments that change our perspectives, curiosity has always been at the heart of progress. It pushes us to question the status quo, explore new possibilities, and step out of our comfort zones.

But curiosity isn’t reserved for scientists or innovators. It’s for everyone. When we dare to ask questions like, “What if?” and “How might we?” we begin to see the world—and our potential—through an entirely new lens.

10 Questions to Spark Your Year

To help you kickstart your own experiments in curiosity, here are ten thought-provoking questions. Use them to guide your reflections, inspire your actions, or simply spark your imagination:

  1. What if I challenged one limiting belief every month this year?
  2. How might we make creativity a daily habit, even with a busy schedule?
  3. What if I explored one new skill or hobby each quarter?
  4. How might we use technology to foster deeper human connections?
  5. What if I treated failures as data in my life experiment?
  6. How might I redesign my workspace to inspire innovation?
  7. What if I sought out perspectives that challenge my own?
  8. How might we integrate playfulness into problem-solving?
  9. What if I set aside 10 minutes each day to nurture curiosity?
  10. How might we approach life’s challenges as opportunities for growth?

Pick one or two questions that resonate with you and reflect on them. Better yet, write your own! The beauty of curiosity is that there are no wrong answers—only new pathways to explore.

Your Life as a Laboratory

Imagine your life as a laboratory where every decision, habit, or challenge is an experiment. Sometimes experiments succeed, and other times they fail spectacularly. But every outcome teaches us something valuable.

This year, I’ve committed to dedicating just 10 minutes a day to nurturing creativity. I jot down “What if?” and “How might we?” questions in a notebook, letting my imagination roam freely. These moments of reflection have not only sparked new ideas but have also deepened my ability to think outside the box in both my personal and professional life.

You don’t need elaborate tools or a perfect setup to start experimenting. Begin with what you have, where you are. Treat failures as valuable data and small wins as proof of progress.

Curiosity as a Daily Practice

Incorporating curiosity into your daily life doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are a few simple ways to begin:

Engage with Different Perspectives: Read a book or listen to a podcast outside your usual interests. Broaden your horizon.

Ask Better Questions: Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, ask, “What could be better?” or “What’s possible?”

Try Something New: Experiment with a new recipe, hobby, or way of working. Variety fuels creativity.

Observe and Reflect: Take a moment each day to observe your surroundings. What surprises you? What intrigues you?

Share Your Curiosity Journey

Curiosity is even more powerful when shared. I’d love to hear about your journey: What questions are you exploring? What experiments are you trying? Share your favorite “What if?” and “How might we?” questions in the comments below or on social media. Use the hashtag #Curious2025 so we can build a community of experimenters and lifelong learners.

As we navigate the unknowns of 2025, let’s embrace curiosity as our guiding light. Let’s ask questions, try new things, and celebrate the magic of discovery. After all, life is a laboratory, and the experiments we run today will shape the futures we create tomorrow.

Happy New Year, and here’s to a curious and creative 2025!

Thomas Carroll, PhD

Co. Laois, Ireland, January 2025

PS Are you curious about curiosity?

If you’re ready to dive deeper into the art of curiosity and lifelong learning, check out my course, Curiosity Unleashed: Master Lifelong Learning. This course is designed to help you harness your natural curiosity, develop a growth mindset, and turn learning into a lifelong adventure. Whether you want to spark creativity, solve complex problems, or simply add more wonder to your daily life, this course will give you the tools to thrive.

Please check out the course here: Curiosity Unleashed: Master Lifelong Learning – New Year offer of $12.99 (Offer Expires 6th February 2025).

My 30 day corona lock-down challenge

My 30 day corona lock-down challenge
30 day corona lock-down challenge

In this article I want to share my newly formulated corona virus pandemic 30 day lock-down challenge. Here in Ireland as we head towards the end of October 2020, we are back in lock-down to prevent the further spread of Covid-19. We are at what we call level 5 which is the highest level of lock-down. All non-essential retail businesses have closed. We are confined to our homes and are not supposed to leave unless for essential work or to buy essential supplies. We can travel up to 5 kms from our homes to exercise. The winter is approaching and last night as I write, October 24th, we turned our clocks back one hour. All of a sudden the long dark nights are here. The lock-down is due to last for 6 weeks. I have decided I need a focus and need to do something really positive during this lock-down.

The news

Too much of the news is particularly discouraging at the moment. As I see it from my Irish perspective we have three main news stories (below). You will have others to add to the list depending on where you live in the world. We have many important things happening in our world right now but they tend to get drowned out by the big stories of the day.

1. Covid-19
It’s all rather depressing. The news is dominated about how many new infections there are on a daily basis, how many have died etc. Endless pundits and experts debate what the figures mean.

2. Brexit
The UK left the European Union in January 2020. The transition period will end this year. Will we have a deal going forward from 2021? Brexit is an exercise in folly as far as I am concerned and I don’t see any real benefits for the UK. In fact Brexit will probably hasten the break-up of the UK. From an Irish perspective we would certainly have wanted to maintain the status quo with the UK as a strong voice in Europe. I read during the week that there is a petition to name a massive lorry park in Kent for up to 1,700 trucks, after Nigel Farage. How apt!

3. The US elections
Let us hope the American people will do the world a favour and send Mr Trump home from the white-house. We can then have a break from the endless drama and distraction he creates. Overall he has shown very poor leadership on so many important issues such as dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, tackling racism and addressing climate change.

Corona 30 Day Challenge

As I have outlined above Ireland is on a Covid-19 lock-down and the news is all round pretty disheartening. To make the most of this lock-down I have decided to take on another 30 day challenge. I really enjoyed my last one in July. This time around I have decided to read for one hour per day for 30 days. I have a bookshelf full of books but I realise that I don’t spend enough time reading. My free time can easily be absorbed by any of the above news items and more. Add to that the endless distractions of social media. It is so easy to glance at my phone and realise later that I have wasted the last 5 – 10+ minutes of my life. Do that a number of times a day and the minutes build up! Why should I care about the latest antics of ‘The Donald’, Borris or anyone else. I want to use my time productively to develop myself and learn new things.

Join me!

Please join me in this 30 day challenge. Post the books you are reading over the next 30 days and what you are learning. I will also do the same. Keep an eye out for updates as I progress through the 30 days. I will keep you posted on my progress on the Life is a Laboratory Facebook page. I am starting my 30 day challenge today 26th October 2020.

30 Day Challenge Introduction

Have a look at the above video introducing my last 30 day challenge. You can read how I got on with my last challenge here. Here is the template from the course that I will use to track my Corona 30 day lock-down challenge progress: 30-Day-Challenge-Template_Final. I am really looking forward to getting started. Again please do join me in the challenge and post your progress here or on Facebook.

Best wishes,


P.S. The 30 Challenge is an assignment in my course ‘Goal Setting 101 – How to Set and Achieve Goals 2020’. Please click here to find out more about the course and watch the free course preview. I look forward to seeing you on the course!