The forth lesson from Good to Great by Jim Collins is be a hedgehog! What!?? Well let me explain the difference between a hedgehog and the alternative which is to be a fox.
Foxes pursue many ends at the same time, they are cunning and know many things. The result however is that they are scattered or diffused.
Hedgehogs on the other hand simplify a complex world into a basic principle which guides everything . They know one big thing and understand that the essence of profound insight is simplicity. Look at Einstein’s equation E = mc2 It’s a simple equation but it is incredibly powerful and useful and has changed our world forever (think nuclear power and nuclear weapons). Hedgehogs see what is essential and ignore the rest.
Collins found that good to great companies were all hedgehogs. They had one big thing to focus on while the competition were scattered. This reminds me of a quote I once heard:
You‘ll never make it as a ‘wandering generality.’ You must become a ‘meaningful specific.’
Zig Ziglar
Digging deeper
To dig a little deeper, being a hedgehog comes from a deep understanding of the intersection of these three things:
- What you can be the best in the world at – something you were born to do
- What drives your economic engine – something you will be well paid for
- What you are deeply passionate about – something you really believe in doing
You need all three and where they intersect is your hedgehog. Reflect on the above three things for your life or your business.
So in summary whether we are talking about a business or ourselves as individuals we need simplicity as regards our focus. We need to be focused on something we are great at (you can be the best at), makes money and which we are also passionate about. What is your hedgehog that fits this description?
Time also for me to go away and reflect on this for my own life!
Best Wishes,
PS More lessons from the book next week. In the meantime have a look at Jim Collins’s website for further information and resources.
Grab your copy of Good to Great from Amazon: