March 2015 – Random act of kindness

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

Mark Twain

What a Beautiful Idea!

I was attending a local Toastmasters meeting last night (one of my February ‘risks’!) and one of the participants was discussing a topic – I think the importance of the small things in life.  At some point in the discussion there was a mention of doing random acts of kindness.  At that moment I thought Bingo – a great idea for an experiment.  What would happen if I committed to do one random act of kindness each day for one month?

I then stated to Google this concept and there is an amazing amount of material online on this!  There is a Random Acts of Kindness Week and a World Kindness Day.  I love this idea and its a pity that these are not more widely know and celebrated by more people.  The world would be a better place for all.  However as the saying goes if you want to change the world start with yourself first.

The Random Act of Kindness week is presented in this way:

“Take this week to step out of your normal routine or comfort zone and attempt a new random act of kindness each day of the celebratory week.” (Source:

It is interesting that the idea is presented as doing something new and going out of the comfort zone – similar in some ways to taking small risks except this is done with no expectation of reward.

So March is my ‘Random Act of Kindness Month’.  What I commit to doing is making a list of the 31 random acts of kindness which I performed during the month.  At the end of the month I will sum up how it all went and what I have learned from the experiment.  Why not join me in this month’s experiment?

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”

Princess Diana

I found a list of 40 random act of kindness ideas at the following website which might help you get started:

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